Check out the deadly video about coronavirus, made for the Kimberley with help from Kimberley mob. Click here to watch, and remember to share it on social media so everyone sees it.
We are seeing some very promising numbers in the Kimberley, with only 4 (TBC) active cases as at 22 April. However, we can’t get complacent. Please ensure that if you have symptoms, you get a test. This week, the State Government announced that rapid COVID-19 testing was going to become available to communities.
Community members are reminded to attend their regular medical appointments and rest assured that hospitals, clinics and services have stringent measures in place to protect from COVID-19 infection.
A WA-specific hotline – 13 COVID [132 68 43]- is available for you to ask any COVID-19 related questions.
Isolation rules are still in place: o A two-person limit to gatherings at home or in public (e.g. at the park or river).
- Sorry camps and funerals can have a maximum of 10 people.
- Restrictions on entering a remote community and travel are still in place (see this bulletin for further details)
- Anyone entering the Kimberley needs a permit and have to self-isolate for 14 days before coming in.
For more information, please click here.